At the beginning of the semester I was excited to learn about social media and had no idea we would be creating a fake business or running different pages. I liked that we got to have a business we enjoyed and create content that was original because it made it more fun and enjoyable. I am glad I got to take this class and learn what I did because I run the Facebook page for the place that I work at and I learned a lot!
I expected to learn about different social media pages and how they work, maybe the histories on them, but didn't expect to actually create accounts. It was fun but a lot of hard work and I felt it was sometimes a little too time consuming for a 2 credit course and a full course load of other classes during the week. Nevertheless I still feel I now know a lot more about how these different sites work and the best way to run them!
What I actually learned was how to interact with customers and gain followers by posting during certain times and posting different things that would gain attention of followers. I am pretty good at computers but I learned a lot more about different features on sights and how to insert things like links in blog postings. I also learned that a blog is still a website and can be used to track and gain followers to better understand who your target market is.
Overall I really enjoyed this class and the fun atmosphere it had and especially that our business was something we enjoy! I liked the list post that we did on our blog and learning about different video services that we used because I am now going to use them to make sale ads for the horses I sell! I also liked Hootsuite and wish we would have learned about it sooner because it made it a lot simpler for my posts as my internet at home is really bad! Thanks Laurie!
Thank you for your honest feedback Hannah; I appreciate it. This course is a lot of work and you definitely shined. Thank you for being a part of the class.